• Welcome to Learning Hands Rehabilitation Center

Welcome to Learning Hands Rehabilitation Center

Learning Hands Rehabilitation Centre is a project by the Learning hand's Rehabilitation Welfare Association registered by Social Welfare Association Pakistan. LHRC is one of the first institutions to promote research-based services under the supervision of research scholars. LHRC is providing rehabilitation services to children with Neurodevelopmental disabilities. The rehabilitation at LHRC is a combination of different therapies including; Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Behavior therapy, Physical therapy, and Remedial education. It emphasizes individual capacity development via Inclusive Montessori. It ultimately benefits an individual to lead a mainstream life and can cope in a mainstream school.

Our vision is to maximize the potential of children so they can become independent and can perform to the best of their capabilities. We focus on making them responsible individuals of society and making them perform the tasks they are supposed to. Our services are not restricted to the children only but they’re extended to the parents, guardians, resource teacher, or their school teachers. We provide parental awareness and counseling sessions to make them learn how to manage their child and understand his/her needs.


LHRC aims for an inclusive society, openness, and acceptance for children with special needs.


Our mission is to bring social change. Delivering quality education for all along with rehabilitation and therapeutic services for special needs. We ensure excellence through quality management, quality training, and quality teaching with equality in an INCLUSIVE SYSTEM.

Services We Provide

LHRC provides the best possible services for special needs.
We have highly qualified and trained IEP team for early intervention of students with special needs. Services include


Awareness is important but it isn't the only source of support for the parents and the family. Therefore parental support groups of the parents of the differently-abled children are being set which is the source of moral and emotional support.


Early Intervention should begin any time shortly after birth and continue until the child reaches age three. The sooner early intervention begins, the better the results are. Young people who are at risk of poor outcomes in the future are provided with the best early support to minimize the risk

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Therapeutic Services

Our basic focus is on providing therapeutic services and rehabilitating an individual enough that they get enrolled in our inclusive/remedial education program or in a mainstream school.

Inclusive Education

We just not add special children in our mainstream settings rather, we accommodate and adapt our settings and curriculum for our differently abled learners.

Remedial Education

We provide Remedial education basic skills education, compensatory education, preparatory education, and academic upgrading) is assigned to assist students in order  to achieve expected competencies in core academic skills.



"Remedial education is also known as developmental education, basic skills education & is assigned to assist students in order to achieve expected competencies in core academic skills such as literacy and numeracy. Special education is designed specifically for students with special needs, remedial education can be designed for any students, with or without special needs; the defining trait is simply that they have reached a point of lack of preparedness, regardless of why. Individualised Educational Plan is being made and one to one session is being conducted."


Play therapy is a form of therapy primarily geared toward children. In this form of therapy, a therapist encourages a child to explore life events that may have an effect on current circumstances, in a manner and place of the child's choosing, primarily through play but also through language.


Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The therapy involves expressing one’s self artistically which can help people to resolve issues as well as develop and manage their behaviors and feelings, reduce stress, and improve self-esteem and awareness

Therapeutic Services

"Our basic focus is on providing therapeutic services and rehabilitating an individual. Related services are as varied and individual as the kids who use them. we are providing the following services:

  • Speech-language and audiology services.
  • ABA & Behavior Therapy.
  • Occupational therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Psychological services &counseling services.
  • Remedial Education.
  • Play Therapy.


Physiotherapy (PT) helps with the development, rehabilitation, and improvement of movement skills and performance.

Physical Therapy focuses on regimens for better lung development and exercises to attain, maintain, or prevent deterioration of a gross motor skill or function never learned or acquired due to a disabling condition. Gross motor skills are skills that develop through using the large muscles of the body in a coordinated and controlled way and help the child in achieving his/her milestones such as neck holding, independent sitting, walking running, etc.


Speech therapy facilities communication with children and adults who have speech and language difficulties. Kids having stammering issues can be resolved with therapies Our speech therapist works on communication while integrating play therapy for children, making communication fun and developing maximum opportunities for learning the language. Our speech and language assessment are based on the standardized tool (Test of Early Language Development) which is a highly reliable and valid tool to assess the expressive and receptive language skills of children from 3-11 years. Moreover, we also use ABLLs (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills) based on Applied Behavior Analysis as a curriculum guide for children. We also assess the development of children using guidelines prescribed by the Montessori method so that they can be smoothly integrated with mainstream children.




The focus of Occupational Therapy is to facilitate functional participation in activities of daily life such as self-care, play/leisure, and work – the “occupations” of living. Our skilled Occupational Therapists work with children and their families to facilitate developmentally appropriate occupational tasks. To do this we work on improving:

  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Self-Care
  • Visual/Perceptual Skills
  • Interoception
  • Play Skills
  • Eye-Hand Coordination
  • Social Skills
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Sensory Processing
  • Core Development
  • Balance and Coordination
  • Handwriting
  • Motor Planning
  • Feeding/Oral Motor skills



Our behavioral therapist helps to improve social adjustments in children by working on various psychological and behavioral issues. The use of Applied Behavior Methodologies (ABA) allows for dealing effectivity with behavior problems.

Behavior Therapy is a form of therapy that seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive/ unhealthy or maladaptive behaviors. It functions on the idea that all behaviors are learned and that unhealthy behavior can be changed.


Our Management

Meet Our Team

Services We Provide

LHRC provides the best possible services for special needs.
We have highly qualified and trained IEP team for early intervention of students with special needs. Services include

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